A session with Aya Laraya

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Honestly speaking, I am on this stage of my life in which I think I'm lost right now, lost that I really don't know what to do, if to land a job or just keep pushing harder in blogging, I'm on this stage that I'm discovering what myself really want. I'm on this stage in life that I want to be sure this time, I'm afraid to commit another or mistakes again in my decisions. Because yes I admit that I really had wrong decisions made the past years like instead of pursuing my studies, with my thoughts of having a "shortcut" in life, I instead invested in a business that unfortunately I lost in it and ended up to be a longer way for me.

Now I really don't know what should be my next step in life. Recently, I had this session with Sunlife Life coach Aya Laraya that I must say ignited again my dreams and gave me hope to hope for another start. He shared different steps and different ways and actions on how we should be aware of our finances, like we should track how we spend versus how much we save. I don't know but hearing him talk made me realize that its not the end for me, maybe I lost before but for me I still gained in learning the lessons for those mistakes in my decisions and finances.

Coach Aya together with Sunlife and its "Money for Life" campaign gives me hope that I can still always have a brighter future if I just believe in myself and do my part as a responsible person.

I look forward for more sessions with Coach Aya to help me even more to be financial literate and achieve this brighter life.

Let me share you more about SunLife's Money For Life here:

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