My Diana Stalder experience

Thursday, November 06, 2014

My Diana Stalder experience

How busy are you these days? How stressed? or haggard? Luckily I've escaped being a prison in the employment world, sorry to say that, I'm not saying I'm an anti-employment, well let's just put it this way, I had a bad employment experience tends me to be a full-time blogger now! which I have my own time and most especially I am my own boss! and it is the reason why you are reading this :). Getting back to being busy, stressed and haggard again, When was the last time you pampered you go out and pampered yourself like having spa, or had a facial? If it has been long since, well you should be pampered soon!

I would like to share my pampering time courtesy of course from our friends in Diana Stalder, they invited us (bloggers) for a 'Bloggers SPArty' (Hoorrayy!) this bloggers' sparty is also coordinated by our friends from Star Magic, thank you guys!

Honestly, I don't often go to spas and facial centers before until I just became a blogger, because I I think I don't need it lol, well honestly speaking budget is first in the reasons and priority, secondly and thirdly, because I honestly don't think I need facial before, not being boastful but my I think face is that clean lol, but then I realized that we really need sometime for relaxation and pampering time and facial is essential somehow to regularly clean our face.

For my Diana Stalder experience, I experienced their Diamond Peel with Casmara Mask :). Of course Diamond Peel feels slight painful especially in the nose part or it depends upon where your face has more dirt but I really love the Casmara Mark, I forgot what kind was applied to me but it was really cool in the face and so efficascent-smelling. I said not to cover my eyes and face so I can still took a good selfie hehe.

Again I would really like to thank Diana Stalder (Gateway) Branch for taking care of my face and for the pamper time, of course our friends from the Star Magic for coordinating the event. Aside from Diana Stalder services, Diana Stalder Gateway has also canteen! which I was surprise to see, its the first beauty center I've that has a canteen so after our services done, we enjoyed their much delicious prepared foods. 

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