The Hobbit(An unexpected Journey); My unexpected Movie experience

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Hobbit

I was accidentally invited a blogger friend of mine to witness the premiere screening of "The Hobbit" in IMAX Theater in MOA, due to the unavailability of an invitee. I am really not a fan of middle earth movies, and Hollywood Movies, because I more appreciate Asian Dramas. Although I know it was Directed by the Director of "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy,I knew it wil not affect my point of view watching it, by the reason that I am not a fan of  The Lord of the Rings, and as much sa I remembered, I only witnessesd the first part of the trilogy.

Seeing the first parts of the movie was a bit boring by long story telling. But as the movie goes far, I myself, didn't notice the time passed by, as I was deceived by the action and magical expressions of the movie.

Also surprised by the Cameo role of The Lord of the Rings' Gollum. Aside from action and magical expressions, laughing really got me! as the punge lines were executed very humorously! 

I was never a fan of "Lord of the Rings", but I must really say that I am a fan of "The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey"

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