Finally! I've been to Baguio

Sunday, April 12, 2015


OOTD in Baguio

It's summer time! What I will share you is a bit delayed because this experience in Baguio was last January, indeed I guess it is timely and I really must post this now.

I'm a bit ashamed that for 22 years existence in this place called Earth, this is my first time to visit the summer capital of the Philippines, Baguio. I don't know why my parents didn't had plans before to visit Baguio, maybe they're just too busy to give us a future or maybe its just really far or maybe I'm the member of the family who was born to travel lol.

I have been always hearing good things in Baguio, before, I am just able to see the place in the pictures in the books and the internet and then I finally able to see it personally with my eyes, Baguio is a gift to the Philippines I must say, because of its undeniable preserved beauty. Finally I experienced that cold wind breeze that they're always talking about in Baguio, thanks to that I did dressed like I'm on Koreanovela (haha).

I was with a cousin when we visited Baguio, we had a cozy short stay at The Residences of Brent, this place I think would be really the ideal place to stay of everyone who wants to be in Baguio that's why I am thanking The Residences of Brent for that opportunity even if its short.

Of course I took my opportunity to visit tourist attractions in Baguio like the Burnham Park, Mines View Park, The Mansion, Wright Park & more but what I really did enjoy is when we went to La Trinidad, Benguet for strawberry picking! this activity is what I am really wanting to do ever since, and it was really fulfilling that I did that haha big deal! I did also picked lettuce and get a chance to meet these different flowers and huge sun flowers where I took photo-op. In La Trinidad, I also tasted the strawberry ice cream and there we bought our souvenirs and pasalubong for family.

I haven't been to all the attractions so that it would my next itinerary for my next visit there and hopefully I am with my complete family ;)

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

A photo posted by Jerhwin M. Hernandez (@niceguyitachi) on

The Residences of Brent in Baguio

The Residences of Brent in Baguio

The Residences of Brent in Baguio

The Residences of Brent in Baguio

The Residences of Brent in Baguio

The Residences of Brent in Baguio



Pine tree in Baguio



La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

La Trinidad, Benguet

Strawberry Ice Cream in Baguio

The Mansion in Baguio

Mines view Park Baguio

Mines view Park Baguio

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