Travel goals with my Family in Palawan; Our first official family travel (How to travel with your family)

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Travel is life, but traveling with your family can be lifer ๐Ÿ˜‚. Finally I've ticked-off to my bucketlist, the thing that I should've done before, way way before -- to travel with my family. I've travelled with my family before but only in near places and mostly in our province, Quezon-Mindoro vice versa. I don't know why I grew up with only Tagaytay and some places in Manila that I've been. Obviously speaking, my family isn't that type who travels, their more of like spending money and investing money in material things like furnitures, gadgets, car, house, toys -- all stuff. Unlike me that I felt I was born to travel and really now that I am in my mid twenty's I realized that I want to invest as much as possible in travelling or experience and not be materialistic. That's why when I was a grown up, today and recently I really pushed this unforgettable family travel experience. At first my Mom and Dad was so hesitant about this travel. They're convincing me to buy something for me or just buy them something what they wanted, but I stand for this that we should travel as a family and with all due their respect I am telling that we are traveling as a family and not asking them ๐Ÿ˜‚. In the end I won.

Actually our trip was supposedly to be in Boracay, but unfortunately it was ruined! After imagining I and my family was swimming in Boracay's precious beach, it was not happened as I planned (Well I think not everything you planned in life will happen), but I think or I don't know this change of planned might have been a better trip for us, and honestly second to Boracay, I was eye-ing to go to Palawan after in Boracay so it wasn't really bad at all or should I say it became better because it was really an awesome trip with my family.

In my Family only me and my eldest brother (Kuya) Jerhson who had actually been on a plane. That's why I said, my God I won't allow my parents to die without experiencing to ride a plane (they're not to old but as I see without me, they really don't have plan on traveling). So there, I couldn't be excited more for them to be finally flying ๐Ÿ˜‚.

I am the only one who really prepared our itinerary and I really wanted to treat them so I covered all the expenses of almost everything, the flight, the accommodation and the tours and allowance, but I ended up short so my family did contribute a little. So since I was the promoter of this travel, I really did a lot of research from the flights, to the accommodations and tours, I felt like I am working in a travel agency but not really complaining, I really love exploring this kind of matter ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am really lost for words of how to describe the feeling to travel with your family. It's really a kind of "achievement unlocked" for me! (teary-eyed) because I felt that I really needed to step up for this matter in my family. I actually saved six months and alloted all that savings for this trip to materialized, my pockets may have been emptied but I know money is just out there, you just have to work for it, but the time and the chance of being with my family in this unforgettable cannot be replaced by anything. And this thing I've done, was one of the things that I can say to myself that I am really proud of. And I encourage anyone who might be reading this to do this as well. I am so happy to have introduced "traveling" to my family. After our Palawan trip, my family was like.. "So where are we going next?" ๐Ÿ˜‚

I really wanted to talk about the details by details of our travel but, I am really more of into sharing pictures and vlogging like the video above (please watch the Music Video I did of our travel in Palawan) Hopefully I can create and compile another video and much detail of our travel.

Til our next travel folks!

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