Mini-cupcakes by yours truly!

Saturday, September 05, 2015

I have given up when it comes to cooking, but look, even I surprised my self baking my own mini cupcakes! This was my first time trying to bake, I got this mini-cupcake cooker that you can buy today at every online store, I think. The cupcake cooker was really a big help for me baking these cupcakes. All I needed to do was to mix the baking flour and all the other ingredients and then just fill the cupcake holes in the cooker, and there it goes, I finally baked! I know some of you might laughing at my low happiness but I am really happy I have done this, my cupcakes tasted well according to my family, (of course they will said that lol) or maybe I should offer it next time to other people to find out if it was really ok, but for myself I really find it good, since I followed the instructions in the baking flour box of how to bake it. As you can see all is good except for the icing, I'll do it better next time, promise!

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