Yellow Cab crew for a day?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

A month ago already, I think, I have been invited by Yellow Cab Pizza UP Techno Hub branch in their relaunching to let me experience to create and cook my own pizza! Cool right? Yes!

We bloggers were first given the Apron of Yellow Cab, which I find it really cute, you know I'm not wearing an Apron everyday, so it really feels so nice trying something new. Then we proceed to the kitchen, it was my first time actually in the kitchen of a fast-food-chain.

We started putting toppings and stuff on the pizza crust, then I knew that cooking pizza is fun and not that easy at the same time, I felt guilty then remembering how I rant sometimes waiting for my pizza order. Its not easy at all especially for Yellow Cab Pizza because their pizza are full of flavors and toppings so the crew will of course take some time putting those on your pizza and then cook it for like 10-15 minutes. Every customer must really wait patiently, but for sure every minute you waited will be worth it for the delicious Yellow Cab Pizza.

After cooking our pizzas, when we tasted it, we felt it was really special because we exerted effort to cook it and it really was delicious because Yellow Cab Pizzas are full of flavors and toppings as I said, you really get what you pay for, its sulit!

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