Hitchcock movie review

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hitchcock movie review

Honestly I'm not sure if I already seen "Psycho" movie, all I'm sure for is my excitement to see "Psycho" really went up.

This Hitchcock movie revealed how hard it is to create a film, from the story plot, especially the process of filming, from the story board, lighting etc.

The movie entertains as Mr. and Mrs Hitchcock quarrels most of the times, they both show sweetness with each other through their quarreling  times. They both thought that each of them is on to secret love affair but actually they really love each other.

the movie was a bit short but I must really say that its better short than to show unnecessary scenes, the movie was exact for me, having emphasized the "hardships of creating Psycho movie" but aside from the hardships the best thing the movie showcased was the trophy Hitchcock received by the psycho movie, not the material trophy but the passion, trust and love the acquired by Mr. Hitchcock and Mrs Hitchcock in the end.

Movie Rating: 8/10

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