MAMA: Movie Review

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mama Movie Review

Mama Movie Review

They say that a mother’s love is forever, in the story too much love of mother to a child was expressed but since everything too much isn’t good, the mother’s love impression for me was like a nightmare I will never dare to experience.

The story was short actually, that it revolves only in the main Characters – (MAMA Victoria, the two daughters and their uncle and her girlfriend that took care of them)

The Story narration was fast, all of the scenes were important that made me hooked as it began, when the movie started, there’s nothing in my mind but only the movie itself, maybe I was just affected because honestly I am not that Brave in terms of these horror thingy.

I can’t and I don’t want to tell more of how the movie goes because I don’t want you to be spoiled, but the movie was a must watch movie, the story was unique but (let me say this) I was a bit disappointed of the ending(watch the movie if you’re curious) there were many thoughts came in my mind, like all of the charcters would be dead, or it would be a peace ending, you should judge it yourself. Mama really was a family-oriented horror film I guess J

Movie Rating: 8/10
Criticism: Ending
Compliment:  Story,Lighting, editing, Actors

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