Savages: Movie Review

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Just like the previous movies I have seen, I have no idea about what the movie is about, maybe because  I am busy these days and I often watch movies without reading the sypnosis.

Honestly, I am shoked to see a bed scene from the start of the movie. I thought also that it was like "SAW" to see chain saw and series of bloody crimes. the love triangle affair of the main characters O(Blake Lively), Chon (Taylor Kitch) and Ben (Aaron Johnson) was so intriguing. 

I loved how the movie was done, for me it's really one of the most complete movie I have watched, the soundtrack is good, I love the shore sceneries in the start and in the end of the movie, the theme was not bad, I don't know but even this is a crime thriller film, it came out not that dark for me, the darkness of the crime side was balanced by the characters, I felt the love of the three main characters for each other, I really love these characters in the movie, they shown that they are complete with each other, that they are family, that they would die for the sake of one, refreshing to imagine "how can three people love each other equally" when everyone knows this is for only two, honestly I felt the love story, I can't judge them. It's really heartbreaking to see the situation of your love kidnapped and there's nothing you can do but do all possible things that could save your love, this part of the movie really touched me. Family and Love, I guess is the main theme of the movie, even the villains in this movie wants to change their life for the good and for their family, all of the characters are just a victim of life imperfections, sometimes we are forced to do bad things that we don't want to. I don't know, but this is life. In this movie all characters are hero, at the same time they have their own villain side, but what really this movie was telling was how Love is important in this world -LOVE LOVE LOVE :) 

The movie was really mixed emotions to watch,I can't explain by words but I really loved this film, I never expected it would be so loving to watch so for the readers of this article, I hope you to watch "Savages", and I hope you agree with my opinion for this movie :)

my rating for this movie: 10/10

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