EMO-OTD: The blessing in disguise of losing

Monday, March 14, 2016

Have you ever lost someone, something you thought you'd never lose or you think you can't afford to lose? I know how painful it is or it can be, because I have experienced losing someone or something very important to me. When you just want to cry that hard and release it, and it's ok, we can be sad, we can cry, as they say the strong ones are those who acknowledge pain and face it.

Sometimes, or more often, we always ask why? Does this really need to happen? Our experiences may not be that same but I can say "yes," I believe that some unfortunate loss to us can be also the other way around and be a blessing in disguise instead.

Whatever unwanted event happen in our life, we must be positive always, be brave, and smart to think what God is trying to send us message with that situation. In my case, I lost in love, I loved someone who didn't loved me back and just made me fall for nothing. I suffered so much pain, but I guess this event in my life also made me realize the lessons I should learn, how I should learn to love myself first and to accept that sometimes there are things that'll will not work out for us, no matter how much we wanted it, we must face that reality in life. We should learn to move on, we should learn to let go, to accept things. We should not be afraid to lose and try again in life, no matter what. Life goes on, live it with hope and love.

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